Spiritually Infused Without Conscious Intent
It Can Happen to You – Spiritual Infused Events Without Conscious Intent
Storytelling is one of the best ways to explain things, to share information in an enjoyable way, allowing the listener or reader to tune in more.
This really happened to me – and it can spiritually happen to you, too.
And so I share this spiritual story with you – to hopefully assist you in understanding the power behind your spiritual essence and the benefit of tuning into it.
Keep reading . . .
It Began in Childhood . . .
Since I was a kid I’ve always been an avid follower of astrology. And if you follow astrology and know your natal astrology chart, then you know there is A LOT more to it all than just reading your daily or weekly horoscope – hoping to know when you’ll hit the lottery!
I’ve always been very in tuned to the spiritual world as a kid. It, too, fascinated me. And I found myself very much at peace tuning into and allowing the spiritual world to guide me.
Now, I’m not talking about New Age practices. And I’m not really talking about psychic phenomenon, mediumship or trying to forcefully manifest something.
When I talk about the spiritual world, I am referring to the connection that I have always had with Divine energy and essence – the Spirit of God.
And due to my interest in it and my desire to be guided by it and follow it, my spiritual connection grew stronger – which is something that would happen to anyone that uses a muscle a lot. If you use your spiritual muscles, they get stronger. And mine grew stronger every day.
It has come to a point in my life where I don’t have to mentally try and focus on wondering or hearing what the Spirit of God may be trying to tell me. It happens pretty naturally for me.
And this is where today’s spiritual story comes from.
Spiritual Guidance Led the Way – Without Me Consciously Realizing It
I always schedule my Clearly Confident Workshop dates in advance of the opening of enrollment for a particular workshop. I have personal desires about my schedule but sometimes the busy-ness of my life and my work dictate whether I will host a workshop when “I” had intended.
“Something” told me to host a workshop in August. I wasn’t originally going to do so in August. It wasn’t an “intense” driving or feeling of “something”, just kind of an idea that popped into my head to do so.
So I did. I scheduled a Clearly Confident Workshop for August. And just let the idea go.
Now, the workshop itself revolves around getting clarity on Who You Are – spiritually and physically (as a human being on earth). It shares how to use your spiritual energy – the energy that gives you life and guides you if you will let it – and be the best you can be for your own growth and to assist humanity in its growth.
What I really paid no attention to – or really, totally forgot about – when I was scheduling the August workshop was that the workshop would be beginning during a time in astrology referred to as the Lionsgate Portal. In short, very short, the Lionsgate Portal is a time when Sirius, which is looked upon as our “Spiritual Sun” is opening up a portal of spiritual light for us to align with and improve ourselves. It is referred to as the “Lion” because this Sirius configuration takes place when the earth’s sun is in the astrological sign of Leo. The exact moment or time that this Lionsgate Portal is completely open is on August 8.
So here is where it all gets Divinely clear to me as to what I did without conscious intention because I am tuned in to my spiritual being – God.
- Leo rules the astrological sun.
- Leo also rules self-improvement.
- Sirius is the Spiritual Sun – which shines a light on us during the Lionsgate Portal
- The Lionsgate Portal takes place during “Leo” season.
- You have all this Spiritual Self-Improvement Leo/Sirius energy taking place naturally.
- I inadvertently scheduled a workshop to run from August 2 – 25, which is during this Leo Lionsgate Portal time.
- The first “workshop” day begins on August 4 and covers a HUGE amount of information about Who You Are – spiritually and physically. It is an intense day.
- That workshop day is on a Thursday, August 4th. The next workshop day is on Tuesday August 9th. What follows the first workshop day is the “exact portal opening of the Lionsgate” on the 8th. (The Lionsgate begins to open on 7/28 – but on 8/8 it is fully opened and then begins to close by 8/13)
- So after you have taken in an abundance of energy and information about your spiritual essence and human responsibility to it on the first workshop day, and before we meet again on the second workshop day, Sirius is infusing you with Spiritual light. It is shining a spiritual light on you, opening you up to your spiritual essence as the portal opens up fully on the 8th.
This was complete coincidence. I simply decided to follow my inner voice and offer a workshop in August.
What This Means for You
- If you really want to improve your self (Leo ruled) and you wish to be guided spiritually, intuitively – and you wish to understand the complete essence of Who You Are – spiritually and physically – joining the Clearly Confident Workshop in August couldn’t be a more perfect time.
- You have a New Moon in Leo TODAY 7/28/2022
- You have the Lionsgate Portal opening TODAY 7/28/2022
- You have probably the most intense day of the workshop taking place 4 days before the Portal is completely opened on 8/8 and before the second day of workshop begins, giving you a quiet spiritual moment to reflect on everything from that first day of the workshop.
- The Spiritual essence and light (remember Leo also rules energy from the Sun – which sustains human life on earth) are shining on you, this workshop and the opening of your own spiritual self-improvement, which gosh, that’s what this workshop is about.
This Was Not an Intentional Intention
Like I said, I did not schedule this workshop intentionally during this time period.
But the reason for my sharing this with you is for you to see how you can become so in tuned with your spiritual energy that things like this happen naturally for you, too.
My act was not intentional. But yours certainly can be.
Today is a New Moon in Leo. The August (spiritually infused) workshop is still open for registration until Sunday 7/31. I would simply invite you to register and join us there.
Let’s allow God’s Spirit and the Light of Sirius during the Lionsgate Portal to guide us!
See you in the workshop
Photo by Andrew Rice on Unsplash