Spiritual Life & Confidence Coaching 101: Demystifying What It Is – What It Isn’t
what it is – what it isn’t – and why the only thing that should spook you is not following it
Discover how and why developing healthy habits to live life more spiritually is the path to lasting happiness and repeated success.
There is no one size fits all for anything we try to achieve in life. And that goes for our desire to understand and benefit from living life more spiritually. There’s also no way to succeed at something without committing to the learning process and then doing the work.
“Pray to God and Row to Shore” – Indian Proverb
To live a more spiritually guided life, you must commit to learning why it’s beneficial, what it consists of, how to develop healthy personal habits to achieve it, and work at it daily.
It’s not a hard process. It can be a confusing process. But it’s a process worth your time and effort. And a good spiritual life & confidence coach can help you achieve that goal.
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What is Spiritual Life & Confidence Coaching
Spiritual Life and Confidence Coaching is working with a professional coach who helps you develop healthy habits to use daily in order to live life more spiritually guided, confident and blessed.
But just what does it mean to live life more spiritually guided, confident and blessed?
It simply means you realize there is a greater force (Spirit-God) that:
- Created you
- Gifted you with skills and talents to use during your stay here on earth
- Can guide you through every moment of your earthly existence
- Will delete you when the time comes – without your input
And that if you develop healthy habits to strengthen your spiritual connection, follow spiritual guidance and live life more spiritually, you will experience lasting happiness and repeated success.
Spirit (n):
the force within a person that is believed to give the body life, energy and power
It’s not New Age. It’s not woo-woo. It is you. Without it, you don’t exist.
Trending Spiritually
“Being spiritual” seems a bit trendy nowadays. Everyone seems to want to “be” spiritual. Yet at the same time, when the word “spiritual” is mentioned, it can also elicit eye rolls.
Could a misunderstanding of what spirituality or being spiritual really is be the reason for the contrasting reactions?
Very possibly.
Because . . .
What I’m noticing is:
- For the spiritual wannabes and seekers, some have it right, some are a bit confused.
- For the spiritual naysayers, I think perhaps they misunderstand or have been misled as to what being spiritual means.
- For everyone – the truth is, you are spiritual. Your spirit is what animates your life or gives you life. Without your spirit you are dead. Gone. Non-existent.
“Being spiritual” does not mean that those who operate spiritually have some superpower or magic over others. That’s a dangerous delusion that needs to be put to rest.
“Being spiritual” also does not mean that you relinquish your humanness, sound reasoning, practical mindset and hard work ethic. Relax, spiritual naysayers, you will still be responsible for, well, being responsible, all while being spiritual.
Demystifying the Confusion
Come along. Let’s demystify the confusion and take a look at spirituality, the process of Spiritual Life and Confidence Coaching and discover how and why developing healthy habits to live life more spiritually is the path to lasting happiness and repeated success.
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Breaking it All Down – How Spirit, Life & Confidence Work Together To Help You Achieve Your Goals
We all have goals, dreams, desires. And that’s a great place to start. We also have moments of pursuit where we’re confused how to proceed, frustrated with progress, discouraged by setbacks, and often wrestle with confidence. That’s our human side. It’s a great guy but he has his issues.
And that’s when and why we need to get to know our spiritual side. He’s an awesome guy. He has all the answers, knowledge, wisdom and guidance we need to help us reach every goal we seek to achieve. Big or small, it doesn’t matter. Spirit is there to guide you . . . in everything you do. Everything!
Spiritual guidance – it’s like having the best GPS on the planet. It’s absolutely flawless. It operates by Divine Intelligence, not Artificial Intelligence. And if you take time to learn how it works and have the same faith in it as you do your man-made GPS, your life, your confidence and your achievements will be purposefully guided and soar to great success.
Working with a good Spiritual Life & Confidence Coach will help you understand spiritual guidance and how to work with it to accomplish your goals.
Let’s break it all down – how Spirit, Life and Confidence work with you if you work with it to achieve your goals.
Spiritual Coaching
What Is A Spiritual Coach?
A Spiritual coach is a professional who helps you understand what being spiritual means and how to use your spiritual essence to succeed at everything you do.
What Does A Spiritual Coach Do?
A Spiritual coach will offer explanation, exercises and guidance in an effort to help you understand the depth, assistance and power of spirituality – and your responsibility to it.
A Spiritual coach will:
- Explain what spirituality is – and isn’t
- Offer exercises to help strengthen your spiritual understanding and muscles
- Help you create healthy spiritual habits to practice
- Answer your questions about spiritual guidance and operation
- Take the woo-woo out of being spiritual
Does Operating Spiritually Really Matter?
In reality, you do not exist without your Spirit, so you certainly cannot operate without it. Spirituality is not something to try to go seek out. It’s something to try to understand – and live by.
There is far more to the expression “I’m a spiritual being having a physical experience” than mumbling a mantra or posting a meme on your wall or social media.
Without an understanding of your spiritual essence, you are depriving yourself of guidance that knows more about you than you ever could or will know yourself; who has all the answers to your concerns; and who has all the guidance to get you where you’re supposed to go. Without that understanding, you are a lost spirit struggling through life.
Life Coaching
What Is A Life Coach?
A life coach is a professional who helps clients reach their life’s goals.
What Does A Life Coach Do?
Every life coach approaches and operates the mindset behind what they do differently. Certainly, there are suggested tools to use as a life coach in a general sense. But every life coach is a unique individual and so every life coach approaches their practice and clientele uniquely.
As a general rule, a life coach talks with their client to help identify:
- Clarity in what their goals even are (it’s okay to be uncertain)
- Which goals the client wishes to achieve at the moment (we often have many)
- Steps to take toward achieving those goals (action gets us there)
- Things that have or haven’t worked before in attempting to achieve a goal
- The Selves – digging deep to uncover, weed out and nurture the many selves for success
(The “selves” is a very important part of my Signature Clearly Confident program and is probably the most time consuming. I cannot say that every life coach works through the process of the “selves”; but for me, in the work I do, the approach I take to assist my clients, working through the “selves” is of utmost value to a client)
A life coach will:
- Ask questions
- Challenge you to think deeper
- Bring things to your awareness
- Be your accountability partner
- Help you understand and work through roadblocks
- Motivate and inspire you
- Believe in you
- Celebrate with you
Confidence Coaching
What Is Confidence?
Confidence is believing in our own abilities. It sounds like such a simple concept to adopt. We may even talk ourselves into it. Every now and then we actually experience confidence, that is, in the comfort of our own thoughts. Then slowly it fades away.
Why is it so easy to lose our confidence once we start pursuing our goals?
Can a confidence coach really help?
What Is A Confidence Coach?
A confidence coach is a professional that helps you develop a strong and consistent belief in yourself.
What Does A Confidence Coach Do?
A confidence coach will introduce you to different tools to assist you in building confidence in yourself and in what you’re doing.
In my Signature Clearly Confident program I approach confidence building in a very unique way. I firmly believe if you can be open to the suggestion I offer about confidence building and its true Spiritual source, it will be a life-changing experience for you, not a confidence exercise you need to repeat for each goal. It’s the development of a belief, a change in mindset, and one I’ve operated with throughout my life and that I offer to my clients as a concept to use.
As a general rule, though, a confidence coach:
- Will offer exercises to practice to develop healthy confidence building habits to use in everything you do
- Focuses on assisting you in feeling positive about yourself, your dreams and your right to them – building a belief in yourself and your abilities
- Helps you strengthen the many parts of your self to succeed at life, not just the moment
- Is intent on building your self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth
- Will remind you of your importance in the grand scheme of the health, happiness and well-being of yourself and the world around you (yes, you and your dreams matter)
When you understand who you are, what you want, why you want it and both your right and responsibility to it, you will begin to understand and experience confidence and you will become intent on not allowing anything to get in your way of it. You will fall on weakness every now and then. We all do. That’s why I feel it is important to have a strong base to return to for guidance.
Does Confidence Really Make A Difference?
I firmly believe and invite you to consider that confidence is an important attribute to have in ourselves. Without it we may “get through” something we’re involved in. We may even “achieve success” in that very thing. However, I would like to offer that approaching life and goals without confidence is exhausting, as each “thing” we set out to achieve requires us to focus on an obscure set of tools to “get through the moment” we’re in.
Whereas, if we understand the truth of who we are, and that we have been given a desire to achieve something, the tools to achieve it, guidance along our way, and also the responsibility to bring that very thing into existence, we will begin to see life and confidence in a very different way. We will begin to see ourselves in a very different way.
It is that “mindset” that I work at in my confidence coaching to explain clearly to my clients and invite them to adopt the concept of confidence that has brought me a lifetime of believing in myself and the peace of being unaffected by what others think of me or my goals.
Spiritual Life & Confidence Coaching
Spiritual Life & Confidence Coaching
So, if you combine life coaching, confidence coaching and spiritual coaching, you have a professional coach who is going to help you figure out your talents, clarify how to achieve consistent confidence, and introduce you to spiritual building habits that will guide you successfully through life.
As a general rule, a spiritual life and confidence coach helps you:
- Understand Spiritual guidance
- Awaken your Spiritual operating system
- Strengthen your Spiritual connection
- Apply spirituality to all areas of your life
- Realize where consistent confidence comes from
- Move with Spiritual confidence in the direction of your dreams and daily life
A Spiritual Life & Confidence Coach will help you figure out:
- Who you are
- What you want
- Why you want it
- What holds you back
- How to pursue achieving it
… with integrity and spiritual guidance.
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What Can You Personally Expect From Spiritual Life & Confidence Coaching?
I’ll end how I began – by saying – there is no one size fits all for anything we try to achieve in life. And that goes for our desire to understand and benefit from living life more spiritually.
There are basic tools and guidelines to follow to achieve accomplishing something. But each of our lives is made up of different circumstances and struggles. So, each of us goes through a very unique process to succeed, even if we are all pursuing the same thing.
Again, that also goes for setting out to live life more spiritually.
Realistically, all you can do is apply the rules of what you’re trying to accomplish and do your best every day to succeed. And accept that the process cannot be rushed. You will not accomplish it overnight.
And remember, the buddy system works. It worked in kindergarten and it will continue to work throughout life. And the one buddy you can have with you as you set out on a path to understand how to utilize your spiritual operating system to help guide you through all aspects of your life is a good spiritual life & confidence coach.
A Spiritual Life & Confidence Coach will help you understand what it means to “Pray to God & Row to Shore”. A Spiritual Life & Confidence Coach will help you clarify a goal, develop a plan, do the work, navigate obstacles and succeed – checking in with God every step of the way.
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Finding and Working With A Spiritual Life & Confidence Coach
You could search the world over. But you’re here. As am I. So why not start your journey here together and see where it takes you.
Develop Healthy Spiritual Habits to Consistently Achieve Goals
If you really want to discover what it means to live spiritually and how to benefit from it in everything you do, I invite you to consider joining the next Clearly Confident Workshop.
- It’s a one-month, eight-session group coaching intensive that will help you understand living life and building confidence spiritually.
- It will challenge you to dig deeper and discover who you really are and what you’re really capable of.
- It will keep you accountable so that you give your life and goals everything you’ve got.
- It will help you understand what it means to “Pray to God & Row to Shore” – and it will help you do both.
Spiritual life and confidence coaching can do that for you. The Clearly Confident Workshop is a great place to begin. And I am honored to start the journey with you.
I hope this has been clarifying and helpful to you.
I hope to see you in the workshop, demystify the ghosts and help you discover a more spiritual way to be guided to achieve your goals.
Check Out the Clearly Confident Workshop Details Here
Spiritual Life & Confidence Coaching – think of it as a Project Manager – overseeing your goal to make sure you proceed properly, don’t cut corners, work diligently and work in sync with everything your Spirit presents to you to purposefully bring your goal to completion.
Photo by Dyaa Eldin on Unsplash. Photo edited in Paint 3D