4 Reasons the Clearly Confident Workshop is Audio Only
The Clearly Confident Workshop is a LIVE one-month, 8-session event – the six “core” sessions of which I conduct using audio only. (The Pre-Workshop Social and the Celebration After Party are conducted with video)
In a world of technology, at a time of video conferencing, why would I choose to conduct my “Clearly Confident Workshop” LIVE sessions by audio, completely excluding video from the session event?
It’s simple.
I care.
About you. About your time. About your investment. About the result you’re working toward. And I truly believe audio invites a more productive and engaging experience.
Here are 4 Reasons I Feel Choosing Audio Only is a Wiser Choice
- Distractions
- Concentration
- Engagement
- Listening
Let’s Look (no pun intended) At Each One
#1 – Eliminate Distractions
Audio removes the intrusiveness of videos.
Think about it. When you’re scheduled for a video conference your focus is not totally on the subject of the meeting or meet up. You concern yourself with things like your appearance – what you are wearing, makeup, jewelry, your hair. You concern yourself with your background and your immediate space – making sure lighting is correct, the background isn’t filled with things you wouldn’t want people to see, making sure your work area is uncluttered and prepped for public viewing. All sorts of things distract your attention from what’s important.
It’s exhausting just from preparing for the session. How much energy does that leave you to focus, absorb and participate? Probably not much.
With audio, all you have to do is log on and tune in. No distractions. Total attention to what you’ve signed your time, money and attention up for.
#2 – Enhance Concentration
Audio provides a space where your focus can be solely on what you’re doing. the course materials, participation and feedback.
When you remove visual distractions like appearance, background and personal space, it opens up the ability to concentrate on what you’re doing.
Maybe you’re the type that likes to or needs to stare into space while listening. Maybe you like to have all your materials spread out in front of you. Maybe you’re sitting in your car or garage or backyard because it’s the only place you can grab quiet, undisturbed time.
Not having anything to worry about except tuning in and applying your own learning style enhances your ability to concentrate on what you’re doing.
#3 – Invite Engagement
Audio invites attendee engagement. I believe people engage more when they’re not in a video spotlight. It feels a little safer speaking up and engaging in support and feedback when you don’t have to worry about being on camera; and you don’t run the risk of misinterpreting someone’s facial expressions while you’re talking. It’s just a safer, more inviting, less distracting environment to engage on an audio platform than it is on a video platform.
#4 – Hone Listening
Audio removes visual distractions, which affords you the opportunity to strengthen your listening skills. And the stronger you are at listening, the more you take in, discover, learn and benefit from. Your focus is on hearing not on visual distraction.
When something visual is taking place in front of you, you cannot turn off giving it your visual attention. It just happens. But the moment your attention is divided between two mediums – visual and audio – you have been distracted from focusing on the subject matter. Your listening skills are not fully engaging.
Using audio only, you strengthen your listening and absorb more.
A Fun Little Way to Test This Theory
There are a number of different ways you can test this theory out but here’s a fun one.
Choose a song you’ve never heard before by an artist you’re not familiar with. Put headphones on and “listen” to the song. Even if you pull that song up on a video platform. Hit play, scroll past the video, close your eyes and “listen”.
When you’re finished listening to the entire song, go back to the video, hit play and watch the video while you’re listening to the song.
Did you notice a difference between when you were “listening only” and when you were “listening while watching”? Did you notice you heard what was actually being said when you were listening only.
It’s a pretty cool way to test the theory out.
Now, I am not anti-video. I love music videos and movies and video conferencing. I just believe they all have their time and place. And I believe audio gives you a better learning experience.
And if you decide to join us in the next Clearly Confident Workshop, you will be able to test this theory out for yourself, all while discovering a ton of stuff about who you are, what you want to achieve, why you want to achieve it and how to set out doing so. Check out the workshop details . . . I’ll “SEE” you there . . . because the Pre-workshop Social is hosted on video!
Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash